Helping Youths with Disabilities Prepare for Life After High School

smiling high school student sitting in a wheelchair in school

Transitioning from high school to the adult world can be an exciting time for young adults. At NorthEast Independent Living Services (NEILS), one of our goals is to help high-school aged youth with disabilities prepare for the exciting times ahead.

We committed to helping persons with disabilities live as independently as possible. Our team is dedicated to providing disabled young adults with the resources and support they need to prepare for the post-high school world.

Here are some of the services we offer that are designed to help young adults with disabilities succeed in life.

1. Locate Career Paths

Finding meaningful work can be challenging for anyone, but young adults with disabilities often face unique obstacles.

We work with young adults to identify career paths that align with their interests and strengths. We help our clients develop resumes, practice interviewing skills, and connect with potential employers. By providing these resources, we help empower young people to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals.

2. Learn How to Create and Manage a Budget

Financial management is an important skill for all young adults to learn.

We provide comprehensive budgeting training that takes into account the unique needs and expenses of persons with disabilities. We help our clients learn how to save money, manage debt, and plan for the future. By mastering budgeting skills, these young adults can build a foundation for financial stability and independence.

3. Locate Accessible and Affordable Housing

Some students may choose to live independently after high school.

We work with local agencies to identify accessible and affordable housing options. We also provide guidance on navigating the rental process and understanding tenant rights. By helping students find appropriate housing, we encourage them to live independently and achieve greater levels of self-sufficiency.

4. Attain and Understand Benefits

Navigating the complex world of disability benefits can be overwhelming for anyone.

NEILS provides comprehensive guidance on the benefits available to each person. We guide students and their families through eligibility requirements and the application process. Our staff will be there every step of the way to provide support and advocate on their behalf.

5. Explore Options and Self-Advocacy Skills

Speaking of advocacy, we also encourage self-advocacy.

Students are provided with and taught the skills they need to advocate for themselves. We help them identify resources, prepare for meetings, and communicate effectively with others. They are encouraged to make informed decisions about their lives and thrive despite any challenges they may face.


Preparing young adults with disabilities for life beyond high school requires a comprehensive approach; one that takes into account their unique needs and challenges.

Our wide range of services are designed to help young people pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. We encourage anyone interested in learning more about our youth services to contact us today.

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